Data Protection Act
Under the Data Protection Act, Ideal Nutritional Therapy by law, are committed to ensuring that your personal data, either by paper based or computer based are kept confidential and data secured. Client paper information sheets are kept in a locked secured place, and computer data is password protected. Your personal information can only be accessed by the owner of Ideal Nutritional Therapy and only used for the purpose of Ideal Nutritional Therapy services. Your personal details will not be shared with a third party. Your personal details will be kept on file for 7 years. If you wish Ideal Nutritional Therapy to delete all your data, please contact us and we will ensure this is completed.
Why are your Personal Details Required
Your contact details are important so Ideal Nutritional Therapy can contact you if any changes are needed involving your packages and plans. Information of your current health, lifestyle and medications enable Ideal Nutritional Therapy to determine the best nutritional protocol for you and ensuring there are no contraindications of your protocols going ahead.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Your Rights
You have the right to be informed, the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object and right to automation decision making and profiling.
The protocols given are for education and guidance purposes only. The advice suggested does not replace the advice of your GP. I do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease.